The origins of the Castle of Montignano date back to 962 when Otto I of Saxony was crowned in Milan as Emperor of Germany and King of Italy by Pope John XII and he immediately tried to gain the loyalty [...]
Villa San Faustino
The castle of Villa San Faustino was part of the Terre Arnolfe in the tenth and eleventh centuries (mentioned in documents of the abbey of Farfa 1115 and 1118). The castle, connected to the important parish chu [...]
Castle built between 1300 and 1400, it still preserves its medieval structure. Of particular interest is the medieval main door near the small church of San Bernardino. Above the church of San Bernardino is sit [...]
The castle of Mezzanelli has followed the fortunes of the various rulers who handled its political life. Once part of Terre Arnolfe, the castle was cited in documents from 1115 and 1118 (Earls Ridolfo, Saraceno [...]
Castel Rinaldi
Medieval village built in 1160 by a certain "Rinaldo Duke of Calabria", Castel Rinaldi was part of the fief of the Arnolfi. Constantly part of Guelph, Castel Rinaldi was often the center of infighting that mark [...]
The fortified village of Viepri is wrapped in high hills, which ensured defense for centuries and still seem to hide it. Built after 1380 on the ruins of the demolished castle of Monte Schignano, its rule was t [...]
Martani Mountains
The Martani Mountains extend evenly from south to north for about 35 km between the provinces of Perugia and Terni. They border to the east on the Umbrian Valley and Valserra, to the west on th [...]
The village is today very different from what must have appeared in the Middle Ages. Today only some ruins of the fortified village remain, hidden by vegetation.
Literature attest it as one of the most [...]
Località: Voc. Ponte
Telefono: 075 889264
Mob: 335 5283691
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Il Gattopardo
Località: Voc. Casa Fanello
Telefono: 075 8947918
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Sito web:
San Faustino
Località: Voc. Stazione
Telefono: 075 8856105
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Sito web:
Località: Voc. Solfarola
Telefono: 075 889311
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Sito web:
La Fontana delle Pere
Località: Voc. Fontana delle Pere
Telefono: 075 889506
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Sito web:
Il Vignale
Località: Fraz. Mezzanelli
Telefono: 075 8856279
Agriturismo Rifugio dei Vescovi
Località: Fraz. Colpetrazzo
Telefono: 075 8856537
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Sito web:
Il Vecchio Mulino
Località: Fraz. Mezzanelli
Telefono: 075 8856279
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Sito web:
Agriturismo Trosciole
Località: Fraz. Viepri
Telefono: 0742 99882
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Sito web:
Casa Trastullo
Località: Fraz. Colpetrazzo
Telefono: 349 8076197
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Sito web:
La Bottega Rurale di Colpetrazzo
Località: Voc. Felcete, 68 Fraz. Colpetrazzo Massa Martana
Telefono: 075 8856126 335.59.80.002 Cell.di Fiori Laura
Agriturismo Casale Il Pisciarello
Località: Fraz. Montignano
Telefono: 075 5720778
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Sito web:
La Casa di Gelsomino
Località: Voc. Cicognola
Telefono: 075 889480
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Sito web:
Agriturismo Orsini
Località: Voc. Casa Fanello
Telefono: 075 889140
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La Collina
Loc Collalto, 119 - Fraz. Viepri 06056 Massa Martana PG
Il Casale "La Collina" è una piccola azienda agricola a conduzione familiare, con un complesso agrituristico connesso, dotato di cinque ap
Santa Illuminata
Vocabolo Santa Illuminata Massa Martana PG
347 055 3171.
All'interno della Tenuta di S. Illuminata che circonda la Chiesa ed il Monastero, a pochi metri da questi monumenti, si trova il Casa
Località: loc. Fontana delle Pere
Telefono: 075 889506
Torre Antica
Località: Fraz. Viepri
Telefono: 335 6548423
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Sito web:
Rosso Peperoncino
Località: Fraz. Colpetrazzo
Telefono: 338 3757624
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Sito web:
Casale Campodoro
Località: Fraz. Viepri
Telefono: 333 3875740
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Sito web:
Molino di Molanoce
Località: Fraz. Villa San Faustino
Telefono: 075 8856468
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Sito web:
Vocabolo Cicognola, 419 06056 Massa Martana (Perugia)
Cell: +39 338 24 04 073
oppure +39 328 06 47 009
Il bed and breakfast “L’oro di Cicognola” è a Massa Martana, vicino Todi e nel centr
B&b Tre Fanciulli
Vocabolo Cardarello 3, 06056 Massa Martana Tel. 3332877326
Località: loc. Cimacolle
Telefono: 075 889132
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Sito web:
Castello di Montignano
Località: fraz. Montignano
Telefono: 075 8856113
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Sito web:
Località: Via Perticara, 133/134
Telefono: 075 889296
Email: tizianatm@live
Appartamenti vacanze Dominici
Località: loc. Cimacolle
Telefono: 075 889448
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Sito web:
Casa vacanze in Piazza
Per info:
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cell. 347/9878233 - 393/0413559
Vicus Martis villaggio sull'antica flaminia, ai margini di un grande bosco di elci, adagiato sulle montagne che la dividono
Località: Voc. Scoppio
Telefono: 075 9975423
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Sito web:
Monte il Cerchio
11 km (7,8 km by car and 3,2 km trekking. Feasible also by bycicle
An overall perspective of the natural and historical landscape can be obtained from the top of the Monte Il Cerch [...]
Castles hopping….history and legends
9,2 Km – itinerary feasible by bicycle or motor vehicle.
The tour begins with a visit to the historic center of M [...]
Historic and Naturalistic itinerary on the occidental flanks of the Martani Mountains
8,4 km – by car, 5,3km trekking.
This itinerary is a trekking along the western slope of the mountain Monte Castro, a relief above Massa Martana. From the town of Massa Martana [...]